Job Resource:

Quantify Your Work Accomplishments for Resume Impact

Numbers help build credibility and they make your accomplishments stand out to the recruiter and hiring team.

This can be hard, especially if you’re not already a manager. Here’s a quick strategy on how to do this: Once you have your responsibility bully, ask yourself…

  • How many?

  • How much?

  • How long?

  • How often?

  • How effectively?

Asking yourself these questions can help you build strong quantified statements to include in your resume and interview.

Add statistics and numbers to your resume
Add statistics and numbers to your resume

Check out this example:

Typical responsibility bullet statement that people include in their resumes: Addressed incoming customer inquiries about billing statement.

Statement after asking yourself how many (demonstrates volume): Addressed an average of 75 inquires a day from customers regarding their billing statement.

Statement after asking yourself how effectively (demonstrates quality): Addressed incoming customer inquiries about billing statement with a 95% rate of call resolution.

See? Add quantifiable statements to your resume makes them much more specific and powerful.